Biped Walking Control
Table of Contents
- Biped walking control using a trajectory library Chenggang LIU, Christopher G. Atkeson, and Jianbo SU, Robotica, Volume 31 Issue 2, March 2013, Pages 311-322 Cambridge University Press New York, NY, USA DOI: 10.1017/S0263574712000203
- Neighboring optimal control for periodic tasks for systems with discontinuous dynamics Chenggang LIU, Christopher G. Atkeson, and Jianbo SU, SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, 2011, 54 (3): 653-663. DOI: 10.1007/s11432-011-4185-z
- Biped walking control using offline and online optimization Chenggang LIU and Jianbo SU, China Control Conference (CCC), 2011 30th Chinese, 22-24 July 2011
Biped walking control based on LIPM
In this simulation, we use the LIPM (linear inverted pendulum model) to generate trajectory of the center of mass and calculate the foot placement, and then solve inverse kinematics for joint angles.
Biped walking control based on ZMP
In this simulation, we search for a good trajectories for the center of mass, swing foot that can stable the robot and then solve inverse kinematics for joint angles.
Biped walking control using an optimal trajectory library
The method is based on 'biped walking control using an optimal trajectory library'. This simulation demonstrates that the robot can handle a 36 Newton-second impulse well during walking using an optimal trajectory library for level ground walking.
The method is based on 'biped walking control using an optimal trajectory library'. This simulation demonstrates that without any change the robot can walk on a rough terrain using an offline generated optimal trajectory library for level ground walking.
The method is based on 'biped walking control using an optimal trajectory library'. The simulation demonstrates that without any change the robot can walk on a 36-degree incline using an offline generated trajectory library for level ground walking.