Biped Walking Control
Table of Contents
- Biped walking control using a trajectory library Chenggang LIU, Christopher G. Atkeson, and Jianbo SU, Robotica, Volume 31 Issue 2, March 2013, Pages 311-322 Cambridge University Press New York, NY, USA DOI: 10.1017/S0263574712000203
- Neighboring optimal control for periodic tasks for systems with discontinuous dynamics Chenggang LIU, Christopher G. Atkeson, and Jianbo SU, SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, 2011, 54 (3): 653-663. DOI: 10.1007/s11432-011-4185-z
- Biped walking control using offline and online optimization Chenggang LIU and Jianbo SU, China Control Conference (CCC), 2011 30th Chinese, 22-24 July 2011