Second-order System and Its Control

Table of Contents

1 Goals

  • Figure out the connection between a full-state feedback system dynamics and the mechanical system mechanics
  • Figure out the connection between the feedback \(K\) and the time response
  • Figure out the way to find the best \(K\)

2 Continuous-time second order system and its control

The continuous-time dynamics of interest is

\begin{eqnarray*} x_{next} &=& \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ 0 & 0 \end{bmatrix} x + \begin{bmatrix} 0 \\ 1 \end{bmatrix} u \end{eqnarray*}

We are particularly interested in a full-state feedback controller, such as \[ u = - K x \]

where \(K := [k_1 \; k_2]\), \(k_1\) and \(k_2\) is the feedback control gains. Such control is often called PD control, where \(k_1\) is the P (Proportional) gain, and \(k_2\) is the D (Derivative) gain.

Hereafter, we will study the closed-loop dynamics of such dynamics. It is interesting because we will find many systems in the real life have such dynamics, such as to control the position by controlling the acceleration, and etc.

The closed-loop system dynamics is determined by the eigenvalues of the state transition matrix: \(T := A - B K\). \[ T = \left[\begin{matrix}0 & 1\\- k_{1} & - k_{2}\end{matrix}\right] \] and its eigenvalues are (see Appendix 1): \[ \left[\begin{matrix}- \frac{k_{2}}{2} - \frac{\sqrt{- 4 k_{1} + k_{2}^{2}}}{2}\\- \frac{k_{2}}{2} + \frac{\sqrt{- 4 k_{1} + k_{2}^{2}}}{2}\end{matrix}\right] \]


Figure 1: Second-order mechanical system

Now let's look at a mass-spring-damper mechanics system as shown in Fig. 1. it's poles are given by \[ \left[\begin{matrix}- \frac{b}{2m} - \frac{\sqrt{- 4 mk + b^{2}}}{2m}\\- \frac{b}{2m} + \frac{\sqrt{- 4 mk + b^{2}}}{2m}\end{matrix}\right] \]

Compared with these two equations, we will find that the closed-loop feedback system dynamics is equivalent to the mass-spring-damper system as shown in Fig. 1, where \[ k = k_1 m \] \[ b = k_2 m \]

The damping radio \(\xi\) and natural frequency \(\omega_n\) of the mechanical system are given by: \[ \omega_n = \sqrt{\frac{k}{m}}\] and \[ \xi = \frac{b}{2\sqrt{km}} \]

Therefore, the damping radio \(\xi\) and natural frequency \(\omega_n\) in term of \(k_1\) and \(k_2\) are given by: \[ \omega_n = \sqrt{k_1} \] and \[ \xi = \frac{k_2}{2\sqrt{k_1}} \]

This can explain why the higher the P gain, the faster it oscillates. The higher the D gain, the faster it decays.

There are four classes of pole locations in term of the feedback gains 1:

  • First, if \(\xi= 0\), the system is undamped, it will oscillate at natural frequency.
  • If \(0 < \xi < 1\), the system is underdamped.
  • If \(\xi = 1\), the system is critically damped.
  • Finally, \(\xi > 1\), the system is overdamped.

For mass-spring-damper system, it is easy to prove that the magnitudes of eigenvalues are always negative. Therefore, it is always stable.

3 Discrete-time second order system and its control

The discrete time dynamics of interest is

\begin{eqnarray*} x_{next} &=& \begin{bmatrix} 1 & dt \\ 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} x + \begin{bmatrix} \frac{1}{2} dt^2 \\ dt \end{bmatrix} u \\ u &=& - \begin{bmatrix} k_1 & k_2 \end{bmatrix} x \end{eqnarray*}

The closed-loop system dynamics (aka Homogeneous DE) becomes (see Appendix 2 for octave code): \[ x_{next} = (A - B K) x \] The system response is determined by the poles of \(A - B K\), which are:

\begin{equation} \lambda_1 = 1 - \frac{dt^{2} k_{1}}{4} - \frac{dt k_{2}}{2} - \frac{\sqrt{dt^{2} \left(dt^{2} k_{1}^{2} + 4 dt k_{1} k_{2} - 16 k_{1} + 4 k_{2}^{2}\right)}}{4} \end{equation} \begin{equation} \lambda_2 = 1 - \frac{dt^{2} k_{1}}{4} - \frac{dt k_{2}}{2} + \frac{\sqrt{dt^{2} \left(dt^{2} k_{1}^{2} + 4 dt k_{1} k_{2} - 16 k_{1} + 4 k_{2}^{2}\right)}}{4} \end{equation}


Figure 2: Mapping for constant normalized frequencies \(\omega_n T\)


Figure 3: Mapping for constant damping \(\xi\)


Figure 4: Pole in z-plane and its time response

Refer to 2

The stability of the closed-loop system is determined by the magnitudes of both eigenvalues.


Figure 5: the first pole's magnitude when \(T=0.1\)


Figure 6: the second pole's magnitude when \(T=0.1\)


Figure 7: the second pole's \(\theta\) when \(T=0.1\)


Figure 8: Black is unstable region, gray is stable w/ oscillate region, and white is stable w/o oscillation region when \(T=0.1\).


Figure 9: Regions with different time step. Black is unstable region, gray is stable w/ oscillate region, and white is stable w/o oscillation region.


Figure 10: Gains, poles and time response when \(T=0.1\)

4 Discrete-time second order system critical damping

Critical damping occurs when the two eigen values are equal, therefore, we need to solve \[ \frac{dt^{2} k_{1}^{2}}{4} + dt k_{1} k_{2} - 4 k_{1} + k_{2}^{2} = 0 \]

The solutions are

\begin{equation} k_1 = \frac{- 2 dt k_{2} - 4 \sqrt{- 2 dt k_{2} + 4} + 8}{dt^{2}} \end{equation}


\begin{equation} k_1 = \frac{- 2 dt k_{2} + 4 \sqrt{- 2 dt k_{2} + 4} + 8}{dt^{2}} \end{equation}

and the corresponding eigenvalues are

\begin{equation} \lambda_1 = \lambda_2 = \sqrt{- 2 dt k_{2} + 4} - 1 \end{equation}


\begin{equation} \lambda_1 = \lambda_2 = - \sqrt{- 2 dt k_{2} + 4} - 1 \end{equation}


Figure 11: \(k_1\) and its corresponding eigenvalue as a function of \(k_2\) for \(dt=0.2\)

As we can see in Fig. 11 only one of these solutions gives a system that is stable and without oscillation, The stable eigenvalue is:

\begin{equation} \lambda_1 = \lambda_2 = \sqrt{- 2 dt k_{2} + 4} - 1 \end{equation}

There is a special case, where both eigenvalues become zero. The corresponding gains are: \(k_1 = 1 / dt^2\) and \(k_2 = 3/(2dt)\) .

5 Appendix 1

Octave code to calculate continuous-time system's poles in s-plant

%% Dependencies:
%%             Octave 4.0.0
%%             Package Name  | Version
%%             --------------+---------
%%                 geometry  |   2.1.1
%%                 symbolic  |   2.7.1

clear all
% Load  packages
pkg load symbolic;
pkg load geometry;

% Constant variables
global saving_foler visualize
visualize = false;
saving_foler = '/tmp/output'; %% don't change this
mkdir("/tmp", "output");

% Utility functions

function x_new = dynamics(x, u, dt_s)
  A = [1 dt_s;
       0 1];
  B = [0.5 * dt_s^2;
  x_new = A * x + B * u;

function u = PD_controller(x, K)
  u = - K * [x(1) x(2)]';

function traj = sim_tvc(x0, controller, duration, dt_s)
  %% time varying controller
  time = 0;
  x = x0;
  traj = [];
  time_step = 0;
  while time < duration
    u = controller(x, time_step);
    traj = [traj; time x' u'];
    x = dynamics(x, u, dt_s);

    time = time + dt_s;
    time_step += 1;

function traj = sim(x0, controller, duration, dt_s)
  time = 0;
  x = x0;
  traj = [];
  while time < duration
    u = controller(x);
    traj = [traj; time x' u'];
    x = dynamics(x, u, dt_s);

    time = time + dt_s;

function show_traj(traj)
  plot(traj(:,1), traj(:,2:end), "LineWidth", 3);
  legend('position', 'speed', 'u')
  xlim([0 10]);
  xlabel("Time [s]")
  title("Time response");

function [LL, T] = get_system_eigenvalues()
  %% general second-order discrete-time state system
  syms a1 a2 a3 a4 b1 b2 k1 k2 dt
  A = [a1 a2;
       a3 a4]
  B = [b1;
  K = [k1 k2]
  T = A - B * K;
  LL =  eig(A - B*K);

  %% Specialize
  LL= simplify(subs(LL, {a1, a2, a3, a4, b1, b2}, {1, dt, 0, 1, dt^2/2, dt}));

  %% Specialize
  T= simplify(subs(T, {a1, a2, a3, a4, b1, b2}, {1, dt, 0, 1, dt^2/2, dt}));

function plot_poles_gains(lambda1, lambda2, dt_s, k1, k2)
  %% Function to plot system pole for a given dt_x, k1, and k2
  %% @params : lambda1 and lambda2 are functions of dt_s, k1, k2

  global K1 K2 STABLE_REGION
  p1 = lambda1(dt_s, k1, k2);
  p2 = lambda2(dt_s, k1, k2);

  if size(STABLE_REGION, 1) > 0
    h = pcolor(K1, K2, STABLE_REGION); set(h, 'EdgeColor', 'none'); colormap('gray');
    hold on;
  plot(k1, k2, "*", "LineWidth", 3);
  xlabel("k1"); ylabel("k2"); xlim([0 120]); ylim([0 25]); title("K selection");

  hold on
  plot(real(p1), imag(p1), "*", "LineWidth", 3,
       real(p2), imag(p2), "*", "LineWidth", 3);
  grid on; axis equal
  xlim([-2 2]); ylim([-2 2]); title(sprintf("Poles at k1 = %.1f  k2= %.1f", k1, k2))

  %% Time response
  x0 = [1 0]';
  controller = @(x) PD_controller(x, [k1 k2]);
  traj = sim(x0, controller, 10.0, dt_s);

  subplot(2,2,3:4); show_traj(traj);

function plot_multiple_poles_gains(lambda1, lambda2, dt_s, k1_list, k2_list, visualize = true, prefix='')
  %% lambda1 and lambda2 are functions of k1, k2, where K = [k1 k2]
  global saving_foler

  idx = 0;
  if !visualize
    h = gcf();
    set(h, 'visible','off')

  for k1 = k1_list
    for k2 = k2_list
      plot_poles_gains(lambda1, lambda2, dt_s, k1, k2);
      if visualize
        refresh() %% drawnow()
        filename = sprintf("%s/%s%05d.png", saving_foler, prefix, idx);

      idx = idx + 1;

function plot_stable_region(lambda1, lambda2, dt_s, visualize)
  nk1 = 0:0.5:120;
  nk2 = 0:0.1:25;
  [K1, K2] = meshgrid(nk1,nk2);
  L1 = lambda1(dt_s, K1, K2);
  L2 = lambda2(dt_s, K1, K2);

  %% unstable region mask
  abs_mask = abs(L1) > 1 | abs(L2) > 1.0;
  %% underdamping region mask
  arg_mask = abs(arg(L1)) > 0 | abs(arg(L2)) > 0;

  STABLE_REGION = zeros(size(K1));
  STABLE_REGION(!abs_mask) = 0.5;
  STABLE_REGION(!arg_mask) = 1.0;

  if !visualize
    h = gcf();
    set(h, 'visible','off')
  h = pcolor(K1, K2, STABLE_REGION); set(h, 'EdgeColor', 'none'); colormap('gray');
  xlabel("k1"); ylabel("k2"); title(sprintf("Stable and underdamped region when dt = %0.3f", dt_s));

% Prepare for plotting

[LL, T] = get_system_eigenvalues();

%% Convert to function for plotting
lambda1 = function_handle(LL(1))
lambda2 = function_handle(LL(2))

%% variables for plotting
dt_s = 0.2;
nk1 = 0:0.5:120;
nk2 = 0:0.1:25;

global K1
global K2
[K1, K2] = meshgrid(nk1,nk2);
L1 = lambda1(dt_s, K1, K2);
L2 = lambda2(dt_s, K1, K2);

%% unstable region mask
abs_mask = abs(L1) > 1 | abs(L2) > 1.0;
%% underdamping region mask
arg_mask = abs(arg(L1)) > 0 | abs(arg(L2)) > 0;

STABLE_REGION = zeros(size(K1));
STABLE_REGION(!abs_mask) = 0.5;
STABLE_REGION(!arg_mask) = 1.0;

# critical damping
syms dt k1 k2 
f1 = (LL(1) - LL(2) ) ^ 2
f2 = (LL(1) + LL(2) ) / 2;

## k1 in term of k2 when critical damping occurs
## the solution is not unique, but only the first one give stable system
k1_k2 = solve(f1 == 0, k1)

## the eigen values in term of k2 when critical damping occurs
lambda_k2 = subs(f2, k1, k1_k2)

dt_s = 0.2;
fun_lambda = @(k2) function_handle(lambda_k2)(dt_s, k2)
fun_k1 = @(k2) function_handle(k1_k2)(dt_s, k2)

k2 = 0:0.1:8;
close all
plot(k2, fun_k1(k2)(1,:), "-r", "LineWidth", 3); hold on
plot(k2, fun_k1(k2)(2,:), "-b", "LineWidth", 3); grid on
title("Critical damping for dt = 0.2")
plot(k2, fun_lambda(k2)(1,:), "-r", "LineWidth", 3); hold on
plot(k2, fun_lambda(k2)(2,:), "-b", "LineWidth", 3); grid on
saveas(1, "critical_damping.png")

## plots

h = figure();
if !visualize
  set(h, 'visible','off')
[c h] = contourf(K1, K2, abs(L1), 0:0.2:2); colorbar();
clabel (c, h, 0:0.2:2, "fontsize", 12);
xlabel("k1"); ylabel("k2"); title("The first pose's magnitude");
grid on
if !visualize
  print(sprintf("%s/first_pole_abs.png", saving_foler));

h = figure();
if !visualize
  set(h, 'visible','off')
[c h] = contourf(K1, K2, abs(L2), 0:0.2:2); colorbar();
clabel (c, h, 0:0.2:2, "fontsize", 12);
xlabel("k1"); ylabel("k2"); title("The second pose's magnitude");
grid on
if !visualize
  print(sprintf("%s/second_pole_abs.png", saving_foler));

h = figure();
if !visualize
  set(h, 'visible','off')
[c, h] =  contourf(K1, K2, arg(L2));
colorbar(); xlabel("k1"); ylabel("k2");
title("The second pose's angle");
grid on;
if !visualize
  print(sprintf("%s/second_pole_arg.png", saving_foler));

%% Stable region
h = figure();
if !visualize
  set(h, 'visible','off')
A1 = abs(L1);
A1(abs_mask) = 3;
h = pcolor(K1, K2, A1); set(h, 'EdgeColor', 'none'); colorbar();
xlabel("k1"); ylabel("k2"); title("Stable region abs(Lambda_1)");
if !visualize
  print(sprintf("%s/stable_region_first_pole_abs.png", saving_foler));

h = figure();
if !visualize
  set(h, 'visible','off')
A1 = abs(L2);
A1(abs_mask) = 3;
h = pcolor(K1, K2, A1); set(h, 'EdgeColor', 'none'); colorbar();
xlabel("k1"); ylabel("k2"); title("Stable region abs(Lambda_2)");
grid on
if !visualize
  print(sprintf("%s/stable_region_second_pole_abs.png", saving_foler));

h = figure();
if !visualize
  set(h, 'visible','off')
A1 = arg(L2);
A1(abs_mask) = pi;
h = pcolor(K1, K2, A1); set(h, 'EdgeColor', 'none'); colorbar();
xlabel("k1"); ylabel("k2"); title("Stable region arg(Lambda_2)");
if !visualize
  print(sprintf("%s/stable_region_second_pole_arg.png", saving_foler));

h = figure();
plot_stable_region(lambda1, lambda2, dt_s, visualize);
if !visualize
  print(sprintf("%s/stable_region.png", saving_foler));

h = figure();
dt_s = 0.2;
k1s = 100;
k2s = 0:0.5:21;
plot_multiple_poles_gains(lambda1, lambda2, dt_s, k1s, k2s, visualize, 'dt02_k100_');

k1s = 20;
k2s = 0:0.5:21;
plot_multiple_poles_gains(lambda1, lambda2, dt_s, k1s, k2s, visualize, 'dt02_k20_');

k1s = 10;
k2s = 0:0.5:21;
plot_multiple_poles_gains(lambda1, lambda2, dt_s, k1s, k2s, visualize, 'dt02_k10_');

%% Plot stable region changed with time
disp("Plot stable region changed with dt");
index = 0;
for dt_s = 0.01:0.01:0.2
  plot_stable_region(lambda1, lambda2, dt_s, false);
  print(sprintf("%s/stable_region_%05d.png", saving_foler, index));
  index = index + 1;


Author: Chenggang(Frank) Liu

Created: 2019-11-24 Sun 20:23